
Wednesday, 5 September 2012

The example of the Paralympics – a true inspiration for everyone

The 2012 London Paralympic Games come to a close this coming Sunday and what an example they have set for people around the world. This amazing capacity and determination these athletes have to succeed goes beyond mere human ambition. It is much more than that.

The Olympic Rings... or are they not? It really all depends on how you look at things - everything is possible 
Time and again, the stories behind each and everyone of these Super-Humans make your heart feel for them just as your admiration grows bigger and bigger for the tremendous display of strength, will and energy they all deliver.

It really is a big, fat and hard reality check for the vast majority of us who are lucky enough to be able to wake up every morning and simply roll out of bed without anything else to worry about than how busy will be the train to work or what will you have for lunch.

Those of you with a disabled relative in their families know well what I am talking about. And those who have also lost a close one way too early in their lives, know that very well too. How easily we take things for granted when others have it so difficult or, all of a sudden, life is taken away from us just like that.

It is true that we are going through some tough economic times around the world and many millions of people are struggling to make a living, let alone have any luxuries. But it isn’t less true that the vast majority of us should be very thankful for what we have.

I look at these Paralympians and they really have inspired me to be better with my life, to try a little harder, to go a little further and to live every day even more to the full. No obstacle will never again be too big, whether physical, mental or otherwise, there will always be a way around it.

And then I look at these multi millionaire professional footballers and other sportsmen (and some women) who only care about their bank accounts, or the affection they get from their teammates and I feel ashamed by them... I really do. I hope they too have been taking account of these Paralympics and will put things into perspective. For the gift they have of being able to make a successful living by playing sports, they also have a responsibility with present and future generations: with hard work, discipline, passion and determination, every one can make it. If you also have the talent and the physical and mental ability, do not waste it – make the most of it.

Every day counts, every step of the way, life can be great if we value what we have, not miss what we don’t have. To the Paralympians, BRAVO!